Thursday, January 11, 2018

So, I poked around a little with the Grow with Google Udacity scholarship program yesterday.

That was Day 1, the day Udacity notified me Google was giving me the scholarship. That was fun.

Today was Day 2.

Starting the Lessons on Udacity.

Logged in to Udacity, clicked on the Grow with Google link. Went to my first Lesson.

Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 were pretty simple and straightforward. No issues.

Lesson 3. Oops. Time for Bob to learn something.

Argh. I experienced the same thing that happens with pretty much all other computer science learning experiences. At least the ones I've been involved in.

The challenge isn't learning what they say they're teaching. The challenge is learning what they're not showing or saying they're teaching you.

One challenge -- because this is an asynchronous online class with programmed evaluation of your work, you have to present your work in a format that the programmed evaluator can parse or understand.

At one point they present what a standard html template looks like. They have the student use an online validator to learn what happens when you don't use the correct formatting with the html template. I figured that means using the standard html template is important to Udacity and this course. Then they have you figure out how to create an html button tag. And they quiz you on the button tag, having you type your button html code in a quiz field. So I create the standard html template and put the button tag in the <body> of the file, just like they want. I figured now I know how to do an html button. Submit answer. BONK! Not right. Try a few changes, bonk, bonk, bonk! So I delete all the standard template html coding (which they just taught us was very important) and left just the one line of html for a button tag. Hit Submit...

CORRECT! You finally learned how to create an html button tag!!!

NO. What I finally learned was how you wanted the answer to look. Just the tag code without the rest of the standard template.

Another "learning" issue is that in order to do the assigned task, you often have to figure out several steps they leave out. Steps that some people know, other people don't.

The lesson gave four steps to follow. I followed exactly what it said to do, and didn't get the desired answer. Tried a bunch of stuff. Still didn't work. Read through the forums. Other people had issues with the same Quiz. The info on the forum didn't really help me. After a lot of poking, googling, and
Slack discussion, I finally figured out a couple things that weren't mentioned (that I was already supposed to know or was supposed to figure out). Then I got the right answer for the quiz.

So, in a way, with Lessons 1.1 through 3.6, I am learning how to write html. But the real work is figuring out all the stuff in addition to writing the html for <p> tags, <button> tags, and <h3> tags. You might call it learning how to learn all the ancillary stuff that will make the html you write work!

My first Grow with Google Udacity online course is hereby relabeled, "How To Learn How To Learn HTML."

(I want to spend a few hours tomorrow on the GwG html course instead of the other activities my calendar says I'm doing... :)


1 comment:

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